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How to Pay with Ramp?

To make a payment using Ramp, follow these simple steps:
- Visit Ramp Payment and switch to your country of residence.
- Select Euro as your payment currency and enter the amount for your chosen subscription. Click on Proceed.
- Type your email address and perform a quick verification to proceed with your payment.

3. Provide the Crypto address you received in the order confirmation. Then, click on CONFIRM & PROCEED
- On RAMP, please enter the exact BTC, BCH or LTC amount as shown in your order under the QR code.
- The applicable fees are automatically included.

4. Choose a payment option, either by using a card or any instant payment method.

5. Enter your information in the format provided below and select “Save Billing” to save your details.

6. Finally, click on the BUY now button to successfully complete your purchase.